Thursday, 31 May 2012



"Power Transmission" is defined as a three-step process in which:

  1. Electrical Power is converted into Radio Frequency signals.
  2. RF Power transmitted through space to some distant 
  3. The power is collected and converted to DC Power an the receiving point. 


Power Transmission by radio waves dates back to the early work of Hienrich Hertz. Not only did he demonstrate electromagnetic wave propagation in free space by using a complete system with a spark gap to generate high-frequency power and to detect it at the receiving end, but he also used parabolic reflector at both the transmitting and receiving ends of the system. In this respect his experiment resemble present more closely than the later better recognized work of Tesla that was based on much longer wavelength and which did not have any provision for focusing the radio waves. 

2012-NEW ERA Wireless Power Transmission 
Discovered by Abdul Aziz (Politeknik Melaka), guided by Prof. Dr. Ir. Adz Jamros (Universiti Teknologi Petronas) and Prof. Dr. Ir. M Azman (Universiti Teknologi Petronas)

RF Signal Transmit by PowerCast Transmitter
PowerCast TX91501
RF to DC Circuit
3 Stages charge pump designed by using ADS

  1. Schottky Diode 1N5711
  2. Electrolytic Capacitor 1uF 
  3. SMA connector

Result Simulation 

Real Circuit
LED as a indicator
Distance 1 Meter:

Distance 0.5 Meter:

Distance 0.02 Meter:


Actually this project for RF Power Harvester. After going through to make it I had learned many things such as the radio signal have a narrow bandwidth. So, I used the PowerCast transmitter. Its transmit signal in wide bandwidth.

For future, I will find out how to collect all signal around as and convert it to the dc electrical and its will be used for charge handphone, laptop and all kind application uses electrical power. 

"I just only need a power from the signal. I not disturb the data from the signal."


Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof Dr. Ir.  Adz Jamros and Prof. Dr. Ir. M Azman for the continuous support of my study and research, for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor during undergo my industrial training for the six month at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.

Not forget also to wish thanks to Mr. Samuel (Master Student) help me to give explanation and sharing the idea about this project. Thank You also gives to EE Technologist and Mr. Shah and Mr. Mahfuz for their advices and support for this project.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank my family: my father Mr. Rosli , for giving birth to me at the first place and supporting me spiritually throughout my life.

                                                                                                         -Love you daddy-



Anonymous said...

good invention!!!
Rosli Mohd


bro, aku ade wat slayer exciter punya stakat ni florecent , cfl mmg selamber je die nyale.. tapi camna aku nk convert jadi dc?

Unknown said...

slayer exciter nye output berapa Volt? AC to DC gune bridge je.

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